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Optimization Fields

The BaseParamsOptimization type exposes the following members.

Public fieldrecycleBinCapacity

How much objects besides the visible ones to keep in memory at max, besides the visible ones

By default, no more than the heuristically found "ideal" number of items will be held in memory

Set to a positive integer to limit it - Not recommended, unless you're OK with more GC calls (i.e. occasional FPS hiccups) in favor of using less RAM

Public fieldscaleToZeroInsteadOfDisable
Enables ability to scale out-of-view objects to zero instead of de-activating them, since GameObject.SetActive is slightly more expensive to call each frame (especially when scrolling via the scrollbar). This is not a major speed improvement, but rather a slight memory improvement. It's recommended to use this option if your game/business logic doesn't require the game objects to be de-activated.
See Also