Click or drag to resize

Com.ForbiddenByte.OSA.Demos.Main Namespace

Public classClientItemViewsHolder
Public classClientModel
Public classMainExample

The main example implementation demonstrating common (not all) functionalities:

- using both a horizontal (also includes optional snapping) and a vertical ScrollView with a complex prefab,

- changing the item count, adding/removing to/from head/end of the list,

- expanding/collapsing an item, thus demonstrating the possibility of multiple sizes,

- smooth scrolling to an item & optionally doing an action after the animation is done,

- comparing the performance to the default implementation of a ScrollView,

- the use of ScrollbarFixer8

At the core, everything's the same as in other example implementations, so if something's not clear, check them (SimpleExample is a good start)

Public classMainSceneEntry
Hookup between the DrawerCommandPanel and the adapter to isolate example code from demo-ing and navigation code
Public classMyParams
Public classObjectsVirtualParent
When this component or gameObject is disabled/enabled, the virtual children GameObjects will also be actived/de-activated