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Com.ForbiddenByte.OSA.DataHelpers Namespace

Public classLazyDataHelperT

Contains shortcuts for common operations on a list. Most notably, it adds/removes items for you and notifies the adapter after.

If you need full control, consider using your own list and notifying the adapter after each modification. Inspect this class for how it's done

This uses a LazyListT as storage. Models are created only when first accessed

Public classLazyListT

Very handy List implementation that delays object creation until it's accessed,

although the underlying List is still allocated with all slots from the beginning, only that they have default values - default(T)

Public classLazyListTEnumerableLazyList
Public classSimpleDataHelperT

Contains shortcuts for common operations on a list. Most notably, it adds/removes items for you and notifies the adapter after.

If you need full control, consider using your own list and notifying the adapter after each modification. Inspect this class to see how it's done