Click or drag to resize

OSATParams, TItemViewsHolder Methods

The OSATParams, TItemViewsHolder generic type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAwake
Public methodCancelAnimationsIfAny
Public methodChangeItemsCount

Self-explanatory. See ItemCountChangeMode in order to understand how change modes differ from each other.

Every count change operation (Refresh(Boolean, Boolean), InsertItems(Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) etc.) ultimately calls this method, so it's a good place for example to fire a custom "ItemsChanged" event, if you need to

Protected methodClearCachedRecyclableItems
Destroying any remaining game objects in the _RecyclableItems list and clearing it
Protected methodClearVisibleItems
Destroying any remaining game objects in the _VisibleItems list, clearing it and setting VisibleItemsCount to 0
Protected methodCollectItemsSizes
This is called during changing the items count. The base implementation reinitializes the items descriptor so that all items will have the same size, specified in DefaultItemSize If overriding the method and the item default size should remain the same as DefaultItemSize, don't forget to call the base implementation! Otherwise, call ReinitializeSizes(ItemCountChangeMode, Int32, Int32, NullableDouble) with the new default size as parameter. Use BeginChangingItemsSizes(Int32) before and EndChangingItemsSizes after setting sizes. The indices of items for which you set custom sizes must be one after another (4,5,6,7.. etc). Gaps are not allowed. Use "itemsDesc[itemIndexInView] = size" syntax for setting custom sizes. In this call, ItemIndex will be the same as itemIndexInView, even if looping is enabled.
Public methodConvertViewportLocalPointToViewportLongitudinalPointStart0End1
Converts from viewport local point to a point in range [0..1] longitudinally (in the ScrollView's orientation direction). 0=start, 1=end. The transversal component is ignored, of course (x for vertical, y for horizontal) In english, 0=top, 1=bottom, assuming vertical ScrollView. 0=left, 1=right, if horizontal ScrollView
Protected methodCreateViewsHolder

Called when there are no recyclable views for itemIndex. Provide a new viewsholder instance for itemIndex. This is the place where you must initialize the viewsholder

via Init(GameObject, RectTransform, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) shortcut or manually set its itemIndex, instantiate the prefab and call its CollectViews

Protected methodDispose
Public methodGetBaseItemViewsHolder
Compatibility method for GetItemViewsHolder(Int32) allowing it to be accessed via a IOSA instance
Public methodGetContentSize
Floating point rounding errors occur the bigger the content size, but generally it's accurrate enough. Returns MaxValue if the (virtual) content size is bigger than MaxValue
Public methodGetItemRealInsetFromParentEnd

returns the REAL distance of the item's right (if scroll view is Horizontal) or bottom (if scroll view is Vertical) edge

from the parent's right (respectively, bottm) edge

Public methodGetItemRealInsetFromParentStart

returns the REAL distance of the item's left (if scroll view is Horizontal) or top (if scroll view is Vertical) edge

from the parent's left (respectively, top) edge

Public methodGetItemsCount
Public methodGetItemViewsHolder

Get the viewsHolder with a specific index in the "visible items" list.

Example: if you pass 0, the first visible ViewsHolder will be returned (if there's any)

Not to be mistaken to the other method 'GetItemViewsHolderIfVisible(int withItemIndex)', which uses the itemIndex, i.e. the index in the list of data models.

Returns null if the supplied parameter is >= VisibleItemsCount

Public methodGetItemViewsHolderIfVisible(Int32)
Gets the views holder representing the withItemIndex'th item in the list of data models, if it's visible.
Public methodGetItemViewsHolderIfVisible(RectTransform)
Same as GetItemViewsHolderIfVisible(int withItemIndex), but searches by the root RectTransform reference, rather than the item index
Public methodGetItemVirtualInsetFromParentStart

returns the VIRTUAL distance of the item's left (if scroll view is Horizontal) or top (if scroll view is Vertical) edge

from the parent's left (respectively, top) edge

Public methodGetLayoutInfoReadonly
See LayoutInfo. The layout info data instance is returned without copying it, to preserve memory. The returned data shouldn't be modified!
Public methodGetNormalizedPosition
Floating point rounding errors occur the bigger the content size, but generally it's accurrate enough
Public methodGetViewportSize
Protected methodGetViewsHolderClosestoViewportNormalizedAbastractPoint
Public methodGetViewsHolderClosestToViewportLongitudinalNormalizedAbstractPoint
Will set distance to MaxValue if no ViewsHolder is found. The point's format is in range [0=startEdge(top or left) .. 1=endEdge (bottom or right)] The transversal component of the point is considered to be 0.5f (middle). Transversal = vertical, if horizontal ScrollView. Else, horizontal
Protected methodGetViewsHolderClosestToViewportNormalizedPoint
Public methodGetViewsHolderClosestToViewportPoint
Public methodGetViewsHolderType
Public methodGetVirtualAbstractNormalizedScrollPosition

Used internally. Returns values in [0f, 1f] interval, 1 meaning the scrollrect is at start, and 0 meaning end.

It uses a different approach when content size is smaller than viewport's size, so it can yield consistent results for ComputeVisibility(Double)

Public methodInit

Initializes the adapter. This is automatically called in Start(), if it wasn't already (i.e. you overrode Awake() or Start() and initialized called Init() yourself)

Will call Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases(), Params.InitIfNeeded(), will initialize the internal state and will change the items count to 0

Public methodInsertItems
It preserves previously cached sizes. See ChangeItemsCount(ItemCountChangeMode, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean). Note that overriding this method doesn't mean you catch all the INSERT calls. For example, a call to InsertItemWithViewsHolder(TItemViewsHolder, Int32, Boolean) would call ChangeItemsCount(ItemCountChangeMode, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) directly, in which case you should override that method instead.
Public methodInsertItemWithViewsHolder
This can be called to insert a views holder that was externally created or that was previously stolen via RemoveItemWithViewsHolder(TItemViewsHolder, Boolean, Boolean)
Protected methodIsRecyclable
Self-explanatory. The default implementation returns true each time
Public methodIsViewsHolderEnabled
Protected methodLateUpdate
Protected methodOnBeforeRecycleOrDisableViewsHolder
Perfect place to clean the views in order to prepare them to be potentially recycled this frame or soon. newItemIndex will be -1 if the item will be disabled/destroyed instead of being recycled.
Public methodOnBeginDrag
Protected methodOnDestroy
Public methodOnDrag
Public methodOnEndDrag
Protected methodOnInitialized
Called at the end of the Init method, if everything was successfully set up. If overriding it, don't forget to call the base's implementation.
Public methodOnInitializePotentialDrag
Protected methodOnItemHeightChangedPreTwinPass
Only called for vertical ScrollRects. Called just before a "Twin" ComputeVisibility will execute. This can be used, for example, to disable a ContentSizeFitter on the item which was used to externally calculate the item's size in the current Twin ComputeVisibility pass
Protected methodOnItemIndexChangedDueInsertOrRemove

Called when an insert or remove event happens. You'll only need this if some of your views depend on the item's index itself as opposed to depending only on the model's data

For example, if your item is from a leaderboard and each player's place is given by the order of the models (i.e. you don't have an int in the model named 'place'), you may want to display the item's title as '#233 PlayerName'. This works well if you're only using ResetItems(Int32, Boolean, Boolean), but if you'll call InsertItems(Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) or RemoveItems(Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean), the indices of some views holders are shifted, while they'll maintain their data. In this case, you'll override this method and only update the title from its model

This is an important optimization, because you shouldn't update items that are already updated, especially when fetching them from the web

Protected methodOnItemsRefreshed
Called at after every successful item count change or refresh. See also ItemsRefreshed
Protected methodOnItemWidthChangedPreTwinPass
Same as OnItemHeightChangedPreTwinPass(TItemViewsHolder), but for horizontal ScrollRects
Public methodOnScroll
Protected methodOnScrollViewSizeChanged
This is called automatically when the size of this ScrollView changes
Protected methodRebuildLayoutDueToScrollViewSizeChange

Called mainly when it's detected that the scroll view's size has changed. Marks everything for a layout rebuild and then calls Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases().

IMPORTANT: Make sure to override MarkForRebuild in your views holder implementation if you have child layout groups and call LayoutRebuilder.MarkForRebuild() on them

After this call, Refresh(Boolean, Boolean) will be called

Public methodRefresh
Public methodRemoveItems
It preserves previously cached sizes. See ChangeItemsCount(ItemCountChangeMode, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean). Note that overriding this method doesn't mean you catch all the REMOVE calls. For example, a call to RemoveItemWithViewsHolder(TItemViewsHolder, Boolean, Boolean) would call ChangeItemsCount(ItemCountChangeMode, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) directly, in which case you should override that method instead.
Public methodRemoveItemWithViewsHolder

Remove the item that uses this views holder

Call it with stealViewsHolderInsteadOfRecycle set to true, if you want to remove a ViewsHolder from the view. The adapter won't be responsible for its lifecycle anymore.

If the item was stolen, it'll be unregistered automatically

Public methodRequestChangeItemSizeAndUpdateLayout(Int32, Single, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)

An item width/height can be changed with this method.

Should NOT be called during ComputeVisibilityForCurrentPosition(Boolean, Boolean), UpdateViewsHolder(TItemViewsHolder), CreateViewsHolder(Int32) or from any critical view-recycling code. Suggestion: call it from MonBehaviour.Update()

Will change the size of the item's RectTransform to requestedSize and will shift the other items accordingly, if needed.

Public methodRequestChangeItemSizeAndUpdateLayout(TItemViewsHolder, Single, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
See RequestChangeItemSizeAndUpdateLayout(Int32, Single, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) for additional info or if you want to resize an item which isn't visible
Public methodResetItems
Protected methodScheduleComputeVisibilityTwinPass

This can be called in order to schedule a "Twin" ComputeVisibility() call after exactly 1 frame.

A use case is to enable a ContentSizeFitter on your item, call this,

and then disable the ContentSizeFitter in OnItemHeightChangedPreTwinPass(TItemViewsHolder) (or OnItemWidthChangedPreTwinPass(TItemViewsHolder) if horizontal ScrollView)

Public methodScrollByAbstractDelta
positite => scroll towards start negative => scroll towards end
Public methodScrollTo

By default, it aligns the ScrollView's content so that the item with itemIndex will be at the top.

But the two optional parameters can be used for more fine-tuning. One common use-case is to set them both at 0.5 so the item will be end up exactly in the middle of the viewport

Public methodSetNormalizedPosition
Floating point rounding errors occur the bigger the content size, but generally it's accurrate enough
Public methodSetViewsHolderDisabled
Public methodSetViewsHolderEnabled(TItemViewsHolder)
Public methodSetViewsHolderEnabled(TItemViewsHolder, Boolean)
Public methodSetVirtualAbstractNormalizedScrollPosition
Same thing as normalizedPosition, just that the position is 1 for start and 0 for end, regardless if using a horizontal or vertical ScrollRect
Protected methodShouldDestroyRecyclableItem
Self-explanatory. The default implementation returns true if isInExcess is true
Public methodSmoothBringToView
Similar to SmoothScrollTo(Int32, Single, Single, Single, FuncSingle, Boolean, Action, Boolean) (see it for more info about the other params), but scrolls the content only by the minimum needed amount to make the item fully visible and optionally adding some spacing as specified by spacingFromViewportEdge
Public methodSmoothScrollTo
Utility to smooth scroll. Identical to ScrollTo(Int32, Single, Single) in functionality, but the scroll is animated (scroll is done gradually, throughout multiple frames)
Protected methodStart
Public methodStopMovement
Protected methodUpdate
Protected methodUpdateViewsHolder

Here the data in your model should be bound to the views. Use newOrRecycled.ItemIndex (ItemIndex) to retrieve its associated model

Note that views holders are re-used (this is the main purpose of this adapter), so a views holder's views will contain data from its previously associated model and if,

for example, you're downloading an image to be set as an icon, it makes sense to first clear the previous one (and probably temporarily replace it with a generic "Loading" image)

Note that this is not called for items that will remain visible after an Insert or Remove operation is done

Extension Methods
See Also