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OSATParams, TItemViewsHolderRequestChangeItemSizeAndUpdateLayout Method

Overload List
Public methodRequestChangeItemSizeAndUpdateLayout(Int32, Single, Boolean, Boolean)

An item width/height can be changed with this method.

Should NOT be called during ComputeVisibilityForCurrentPosition(Boolean, Boolean), UpdateViewsHolder(TItemViewsHolder), CreateViewsHolder(Int32) or from any critical view-recycling code. Suggestion: call it from MonBehaviour.Update()

Will change the size of the item's RectTransform to requestedSize and will shift the other items accordingly, if needed.

Public methodRequestChangeItemSizeAndUpdateLayout(TItemViewsHolder, Single, Boolean, Boolean)
See RequestChangeItemSizeAndUpdateLayout(Int32, Single, Boolean, Boolean) for additional info or if you want to resize an item which isn't visible
See Also