Click or drag to resize

OSATParams, TItemViewsHolderRequestChangeItemSizeAndUpdateLayout Method (Int32, Single, Boolean, Boolean)

An item width/height can be changed with this method.

Should NOT be called during ComputeVisibilityForCurrentPosition(Boolean, Boolean), UpdateViewsHolder(TItemViewsHolder), CreateViewsHolder(Int32) or from any critical view-recycling code. Suggestion: call it from MonBehaviour.Update()

Will change the size of the item's RectTransform to requestedSize and will shift the other items accordingly, if needed.

Namespace:  Com.ForbiddenByte.OSA.Core
Assembly:  Assembly-CSharp (in Assembly-CSharp.dll) Version:
public float RequestChangeItemSizeAndUpdateLayout(
	int itemIndex,
	float requestedSize,
	bool itemEndEdgeStationary = false,
	bool computeVisibility = true


Type: SystemInt32
the index of the item to be resized. It doesn't need to be visible(case in which only the cached size will be updated and, obviously, the visible items will shift accordingly)
Type: SystemSingle
the height or width (depending on scrollview's orientation)
itemEndEdgeStationary (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
if to grow to the top/left (less common) instead of down/right (more common)
computeVisibility (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean

Return Value

Type: Single
the resolved size. This can be slightly different than requestedSize if the number of items is huge (>100k))
Version Information

Optimized ScrollView Adapter

Supported in: 4.1
See Also