Click or drag to resize

OSATParams, TItemViewsHolderScheduleComputeVisibilityTwinPass Method

This can be called in order to schedule a "Twin" ComputeVisibility() call after exactly 1 frame.

A use case is to enable a ContentSizeFitter on your item, call this,

and then disable the ContentSizeFitter in OnItemHeightChangedPreTwinPass(TItemViewsHolder) (or OnItemWidthChangedPreTwinPass(TItemViewsHolder) if horizontal ScrollView)

Namespace:  Com.ForbiddenByte.OSA.Core
Assembly:  Assembly-CSharp (in Assembly-CSharp.dll) Version:
protected void ScheduleComputeVisibilityTwinPass(
	bool preferContentEndEdgeStationaryIfSizeChanges = false


preferContentEndEdgeStationaryIfSizeChanges (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
this will only be considered if the scroll position didn't change since the last visibility computation
Version Information

Optimized ScrollView Adapter

Supported in: 4.1
See Also