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OSATParams, TItemViewsHolderGetItemViewsHolder Method

Get the viewsHolder with a specific index in the "visible items" list.

Example: if you pass 0, the first visible ViewsHolder will be returned (if there's any)

Not to be mistaken to the other method 'GetItemViewsHolderIfVisible(int withItemIndex)', which uses the itemIndex, i.e. the index in the list of data models.

Returns null if the supplied parameter is >= VisibleItemsCount

Namespace:  Com.ForbiddenByte.OSA.Core
Assembly:  Assembly-CSharp (in Assembly-CSharp.dll) Version:
public TItemViewsHolder GetItemViewsHolder(
	int vhIndex


Type: SystemInt32
the index of the ViewsHolder in the visible items array

Return Value

Type: TItemViewsHolder
Version Information

Optimized ScrollView Adapter

Supported in: 4.1
See Also